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Autoimmunity & how does it works

What is auto immunity and how does it work?

Autoimmunity occurs when the immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s healthy cells, thinking they are harmful invaders. ...

Walking 30 minutes a day

What happens when you walk 30 minutes a day

Walking 30 minutes a day has numerous health benefits. It improves heart health by lowering blood pressure and boosting circulatio...

Indoor air pollution

Is indoor air pollution harmful?

Indoor air pollution is harmful and can lead to serious health issues. Common pollutants like dust, mold, pet dander, smoke, and v...

Quitting smoking reduces the chances of COPD

Does quitting smoking reduces the chances of COPD?

Quitting smoking significantly reduces the risk of developing Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) and slows its progressi...

Belly Heaviness & Tightness in Third Trimester

Managing belly heaviness and tightness. Why does it feel that way in third trimester- T3

Belly heaviness and tightness in the third trimester (T3) occur due to the growing baby, increased amniotic fluid, and uterine exp...

Reduced sugar consumption

How reduced or zero sugar consumption is beneficial for the mother and the child

Reducing or eliminating sugar during pregnancy benefits both mother and baby. Excess sugar spikes blood glucose levels, increasing...

overtraining and weight loss

Can overtraining cause inflammation instead of weight loss?

Overtraining can lead to inflammation rather than weight loss. When you push your body beyond its recovery limits, it triggers a s...

Why Extreme Heat Can Trigger Headaches

Why Extreme Heat Can Trigger Headaches

Extreme heat can trigger headaches due to dehydration, which leads to reduced blood flow to the brain. Hot temperatures also incre...

Breast Cancer

Breast Cancer

Breast cancer occurs when cells in the breast grow abnormally and form a tumor. Symptoms can include lumps, changes in breast shap...

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