पुरुषों को हार्ट अटैक तब आता है जब हार्ट यानी हृदय के एक हिस्से में खून का प्रवाह बाधित होता है। इसके सामान्य लक्षणों में सीने में दर्द या बेचैनी, सांस लेने में तकलीफ, मतली और चक्कर आना शामिल हैं। पुरुषों को बांहों, गर्दन, जबड़े या पीठ में भी दर्द का अनुभव हो सकता है। […]
Speciality & Sub-Speciality: Heart failure
Fabry Disease is a rare genetic disorder that affects approximately 1 in 40,000 to 60,000 people worldwide. This condition, caused by mutations in the GLA gene, leads to the accumulation of a particular type of fat within the body’s cells. Despite its low prevalence, Fabry Disease can have profound effects on various organs, making early […]
When it comes to matters of the heart, even the smallest problems can lead to bigger issues, which is why heart health is vital for our well-being. While people are mostly aware of the commonly used cardiovascular terms, sometimes few phrases are unknowingly misused in regular parlance. Two of the most misinterpreted phrases are “Heart […]
The circulatory system’s blood arteries are used by the heart, a muscular organ, to pump blood. The pumped blood carries nutrients and oxygen to the body while carrying metabolic waste such as carbon dioxide to the lungs. Cardiovascular diseases are the most common cause of death worldwide as of 2008, accounting for 30% of deaths […]
One of the most commonly heard concerns in every family is blood pressure. Everyone has at least once in their life got their blood pressure checked. And on today’s date, almost every person has a family member who suffers from high or low blood pressure. In most cases a fluctuation is temporary and stabilizes easily. […]
Women of all ages face the threat of coronary artery disease (CAD) commonly referred to as a “heart attack”. Recent data shows the overall prevalence of CAD is 6.2% in males and 10.8% in females. It commonly occurs at a later age in women, mostly in the 60’s while men have it at an earlier […]