Cortisol is an important hormone for the human body as it helps break down carbohydrates, proteins and fats. It affects how your immune system works and also controls blood pressure. High levels of cortisol lead to some common issues like fatigue, acne, high blood pressure, headache and weight gain. But, did you know that a […]
Speciality & Sub-Speciality: Endocrinology
Did you know that diabetes is genetic? That means if anyone in your family has diabetes, there are very high chance that you have inherited it too, from the day you were born! International Diabetes Federation says that as of this day in 2022, India has 77 million people suffering from Diabetes and it is […]
What is diabetes insipidus? Diabetes insipidus is a disorder in which the body produces too much urine and is not able to retain water. People with this condition pass urine frequently and drink large amounts of water. They tend to feel thirsty all the time since their body finds it difficult to retain water. Diabetes insipidus can […]
Thyroid disease is a medical problem that restricts your thyroid gland from producing the appropriate amount of hormones. Correctly, your thyroid produces the hormones necessary to keep your body operating normally. These thyroid hormones control how your body uses your energy. If you are feeling fatigued or there are some noticeable changes in your skin […]
थायराइड क्या है (Thyroid in Hindi) थायराइड गर्दन के निचले हिस्से में स्थित है एक तितली के आकार की ग्रंथि है। यह ट्राईआयोडोथायरोनिन (टी 3) और थायरोक्सिन (टी4) हार्मोन को स्रावित करता है। इसे थायराइड हार्मोन कहते हैं। यह हार्मोन शरीर की अनेक गतिविधियों को नियंत्रित करता है जिसमें दिल की धड़कन और कैलरी की […]
Things you need to know: Diabetic is a condition that currently has no cure, so managing and awareness is the only chance of survival Diabetics have become an alarming situation for the younger generation than the older It can go unnoticed for years and so can lead to severe complications to the health Understanding diabetics: […]