Dr. Manjeet Kumar Goyal

Rectal Prolapse: Causes, Symptoms, and Modern Treatment Options

Rectal prolapse is a distressing condition where the rectum protrudes through the anus. This issue often causes discomfort, embarrassment, and challenges with daily activities. Factors like age, weakened pelvic muscles, chronic constipation, or childbirth can contribute to this condition.  In this blog, we’ll delve into the causes, symptoms, treatment options, and lifestyle changes that can […]

Dr Vikas Jindal

Constipation: Causes & Treatment Explained by Gastroenterologist at the CK Birla Hospital

Every morning, after you wake up there are two things you need- a hot cup of tea or coffee and a clean gut. There is no bigger satisfaction than a clean gut and a refreshed mind to make your day productive. But every day might not be the same. While some days are sunny, others […]

कब्ज क्या है – कारण, लक्षण, जांच और इलाज (Constipation in Hindi)

तैलीय और मसालेदार पदार्थों का सेवन करने, शराब और सिगरेट पीने, कम मात्रा मात्रा में पानी पीने और रात में देर से भोजन करने से अनेकों समस्याएं पैदा होती हैं। कब्ज (Kabz in Hindi) भी उन्हीं में से एक है। कब्ज क्या है (What is Constipation?) कब्ज एक आम समस्या का रूप ले चूका है […]

Dr. Anukalp Prakash