All about Enlarged Liver

The liver is an essential organ of the human body. It performs many important functions like filtering toxins from the blood, helping digest food, synthesizing protein, and storing vitamins and minerals. When the liver becomes larger than its normal size, it is known as the enlarged liver. It is also known as hepatomegaly. Although it is not […]

Abdominal Pain in Children: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Abdominal pain in children is a common complaint. It can be caused by various conditions, including constipation, gas, indigestion, abdominal muscle strain, and infections. Sometimes, the cause is not apparent even after tests are done. In these cases, it’s essential to find out what’s causing your child’s symptoms so you can help your child feel […]

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

We know that stomach rumbling is the worst.  Irritable Bowel Syndrome is one such condition in which the patient experiences abdominal cramping, bloating, gas, diarrhoea, and constipation. Many researchers have made a vigorous effort to find the cause of IBS, but it is still unclear; it may be related to an overly sensitive immune system […]

पेट साफ करने के घरेलू उपाय ( Pet Saaf Karne Ke Upay)

लाइफस्टाइल और खान-पान सही नहीं होने के कारण अनेक तरह की समस्याएं होती है, पेट साफ नहीं होना भी उन्हीं में से एक है। पेट साफ नहीं होने से आपका पूरा दिन खराब हो सकता है। वैसे तो पेट साफ नहीं होने के कई कारण हो सकते हैं, लेकिन इसके मुख्य कारणों में गलत खान-पान […]

कब्ज क्या है – कारण, लक्षण, जांच और इलाज (Constipation in Hindi)

तैलीय और मसालेदार पदार्थों का सेवन करने, शराब और सिगरेट पीने, कम मात्रा मात्रा में पानी पीने और रात में देर से भोजन करने से अनेकों समस्याएं पैदा होती हैं। कब्ज (Kabz in Hindi) भी उन्हीं में से एक है। कब्ज क्या है (What is Constipation?) कब्ज एक आम समस्या का रूप ले चूका है […]

Rare Laparoscopic Surgery for Chronic Pancreatitis & Bile Duct Stricture

Overview A seven-year-old boy visited the Department of GI, Minimal Access & Laparoscopic Surgery at the CK Birla Hospital, Delhi.  He had complaints of severe abdominal pain that had been affecting him for the last 3 years. The patient was also reported to be hospitalised several times for pain management. Consultation Dr Amit Javed, a leading […]

Gas problem – Symptoms, Causes and Treatment

Let’s plan your Sunday – you start your morning with a plate of chole bhature from the popular food stall in your neighbourhood. At brunch, you have some samosas followed by your favourite tea. For lunch, there is a deluxe thali with four of the spiciest, flavourful dishes. By evening, you plan to go for […]

पेट दर्द (Stomach Pain)के कारण, लक्षण और घरेलू इलाज

पेट शरीर का सबसे महत्वपूर्ण अंग है जो शरीर की कार्यप्रणाली में एक अमाह भूमिका निभाता है। शरीर में होने वाली अत्यधिक आंतरिक समस्याएं पेट से जुड़ी होती है। पेट खाना ग्रहण कर उससे शरीर को ऊर्जा प्रदान करता है। खान-पान में गड़बड़ी या दूसरी कारणों से पेट में कई तरह की समस्याएं पैदा होती हैं, […]

What’s Causing Your Abdominal Pain and How to Treat It

Abdominal pain, in other terms, is stomachache. Stomachache is simply your stomach throwing tantrums as you clearly weren’t paying attention to it and were not taking care of it. Stomach ache defines the pain and discomfort between the chest and the pelvis area. However, most of the abdominal pains are mind and can be taken […]