Dr. Sumiti Mehta

Planning to start IVF? Here is what you need to know

IVF or In vitro fertilisation is a type of assisted reproductive technology (ART) which is done to help couples and individuals conceive. It uses a combination of medical and surgical treatment to fertilise the egg outside the body and implant the resulting embryo into the uterus. It is one of the most widely known forms […]

जानिए क्या होता है IVF (IVF kya hai) और कैसे की जाती है IVF प्रक्रिया 

माँ बनने का एहसास सभी महिलाओं के लिये बहुत ही खास होता है। ऐसा कहा जाता है कि जब एक महिला माँ बनती है, यह उसके लिए एक नये जीवन के समान होता है, किन्तु वहीं अगर वह किसी कारणवश माँ नहीं बन पाती है, यह एक कमी के समान होता हैं। यदि आप किसी […]

What to do when you suspect infertility

If it has been more than a year of unsuccessful attempts at conceiving, it is time that you should consult your doctor. For women who are already 35 years or older need to consider this time period as 6 months and should see a doctor after 6 months of unsuccessful attempts. Women above the age […]

IUI Treatment

Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is a relatively simple fertility process of inserting the male ready semen through the neck of the female internal reproductive organ (cervix) and into the uterus, close to the process of ovulation. During IUI, a woman’s eggs are surgically retrieved from her ovaries; inseminated and developed into embryos inside a lab; then transferred […]

Egg Freezing

If you want to have a child in the future but are not mentally prepared to conceive right now, then egg freezing may help you keep the options open and become pregnant in the future – once you are ready to start a family. A woman is most fertile in her 20s and early 30s […]

Factors that affect male infertility

Fertility is a natural process to produce an offspring. Usually, a man’s fertility is linked to its sperms. The treatment for male infertility has changed very minimally over the years and is still provided as an extension of female infertility, to be accessed when treatment for the female partner has not resulted in conception. Sperm […]

Diet Guidelines During IVF

Eat more complex (“slow”) carbs and avoid highly processed ones. Your body digests processed carbs (like cookies, cakes, white bread and white rice) quickly, and turns them into blood sugar. Complex carbs (those containing fiber, such as fruits, vegetables, beans and whole grains) are digested slowly and limit insulin. High insulin levels appear to inhibit […]

Artificial Birthing Methods – Myths vs. Reality

Infertility is rising with more and more young couples delaying their first child. Priorities have changed, and women are getting married late for education and career.  Statistics reveal that since the 1990s, the average age of women having children after 30 years of age has been rising as compared to women younger than 20 years […]