All about menstruation | Periods (for teens)

Understanding your menstrual cycle and selecting the right sanitary product to use goes a long way in deciding how comfortable you would be during your periods. Every girl and woman may experience menstruation differently. While some girls may experience unpleasant symptoms such as menstrual cramps, mood swings, breast tenderness, heavy flow and long periods, others […]

Lifestyle and diet tips for PMS

Mood swings, depression, irritability, food cravings etc. are all some of the classic signs of the infamous “PMS”. PMS or premenstrual syndrome affects most women at some point of their lives. Several factors contribute to the severity of the symptoms women experience.   Lifestyle and dietary changes can help manage PMS symptoms to a large extent […]

जानिए क्या और कब होता है ओवुलेशन?

ओवुलेशन के लक्षण यदि आप माँ बनना चाहती हैं या इसके लिए प्रयास कर रही हैं, तो आपके लिए यह जानना अत्यंत आवश्यक है कि आपके मासिक चक्र यानि मेंस्ट्रुअल साइकिल के दौरान वो कौन से दिन होते हैं ओवुलेशन क्या होता है? Ovulation in Hindi ओवरी से परिपक्व एग रिलीज़ होने की प्रक्रिया को […]

Living with PCOS 

PCOS or polycystic ovary syndrome is an extremely common health problem amongst women of childbearing age. In fact, it is so common that in an effort to raise awareness about this condition, the month of September has been declared “PCOS awareness month”. Awareness is the first step in the fight against the spread of this […]

Dr. Anjali Kumar

Dr Anjali Kumar is a renowned obstetrician and surgeon with over 33 years of experience. She is counted amongst some of the most experienced obstetricians, gynaecologists, and laparoscopic surgeons in Delhi NCR. She even has the unique distinction of having a technique named after her (the ‘Kumar’s Technique’ – ‘Reverse Uterine Closure Technique’). It is […]

Planning to start IVF? Here is what you need to know

IVF or In vitro fertilisation is a type of assisted reproductive technology (ART) which is done to help couples and individuals conceive. It uses a combination of medical and surgical treatment to fertilise the egg outside the body and implant the resulting embryo into the uterus. It is one of the most widely known forms […]

How to control sugar level during pregnancy?

Gestational diabetes is a common ailment that affects pregnant women. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) describes this condition as any degree of glucose intolerance that is first recognised at the onset of or during the course of pregnancy. To put it in simpler terms, a woman who was not previously diabetic develops high blood sugar level […]

जानिए क्या होता है IVF (IVF kya hai) और कैसे की जाती है IVF प्रक्रिया 

माँ बनने का एहसास सभी महिलाओं के लिये बहुत ही खास होता है। ऐसा कहा जाता है कि जब एक महिला माँ बनती है, यह उसके लिए एक नये जीवन के समान होता है, किन्तु वहीं अगर वह किसी कारणवश माँ नहीं बन पाती है, यह एक कमी के समान होता हैं। यदि आप किसी […]

What you need to know about an Ectopic pregnancy

Pregnancy is a fascinating process that involves a lot of changes in a woman’s body. From the fertilisation of the egg to the delivery, several steps occur in the reproductive system. In a normal pregnancy, the fertilised egg travels through the fallopian tubes and attaches itself to the uterus. However, if you have an ectopic […]