PCOD Diet Chart

Polycystic Ovary Disease (PCOD) is a medical condition diagnosed in females during the reproductive age. The condition causes the ovaries to produce more immature or partially mature eggs which accumulate in the ovary. Over time these immature or partially mature eggs begin to develop into cysts which cause the release of excess amounts of androgens, […]

Dr. Sumiti Mehta

Effective Tips to Get Periods Early

3 Most Effective Tips To Induce Your Period Fast When planning a holiday, special event, wedding, or party, one of the first questions that may come to your mind is when you will get your period. The frustration, severe pain, and discomfort associated with periods can ruin important moments. That’s why most women look forward […]

पीरियड जल्दी लाने के घरेलु उपाय

यह बात सत्य है कि महिलाओं में हार्मोनल बदलाव होते हैं, जिसके कारण उन्हें कई समस्याओं का सामना करना पड़ता है। पीरियड का समय पर न आना इन समस्याओं में से मुख्य समस्या है। ऐसे में घबराए नहीं और पीरियड (Period in Hindi) लाने के उपाय पर विचार करें। इस ब्लॉग की सहायता से हम […]

Dr Tripti Raheja

Dr Anita Bansal

Dr. Akta Bajaj

Dr Sheetal Sachdeva

Dr. Manavita Mahajan