Top winter health hazards & tips to stay safe

Each year, with the onset of cold-weather, Indian households prepare to battle winter health hazards. Our mothers gear up with the traditional chyawanprash, monkey caps and vegetable soups to protect us from seasonal health concerns. This winter season, however, we might need to carry out additional protection.  The world is still struggling with COVID-19. We […]

Why you must work from home during the pandemic

According to the latest stats, over two million individuals have been infected with the novel coronavirus in 182 countries and territories across the world. In India, four deaths and 166 confirmed cases have been reported until now.  In his address to the nation on 19th March 2020, Prime Minister Modi has urged everybody to stay […]

What is Coronavirus: symptoms | how it spreads | how to avoid it

According to the WHO, coronaviruses (CoV) are a large family of viruses that cause illness ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases. Since the viruses are zoonotic, they can be transmitted between animals and humans.