Shoulder pain can start from the shoulder joint itself or maybe its surrounding muscles, tendons or ligaments. Shoulder pain affects the movement or activities of the arm or shoulder. Several diseases and conditions such as gallbladder disease or heart disease that affect structures in the abdomen or chest can also cause shoulder pain. When shoulder […]
Speciality & Sub-Speciality: Orthopaedics
Knee joint pain is a common condition that affects people of all ages. Knee pain can be the result of an injury, like a torn ligament or cartilage. Other factors like arthritis, gout and infections can also cause knee pain. Various types of light knee pain respond well to self-care. Physiotherapy and knee pads can also […]
Joint pain is a common complaint in older people. Surprisingly, there is also a rising prevalence of bone and joint pain in younger adults. Nearly 20-25% of the Indian population living with chronic pain is affected by musculoskeletal disorders involving the joints. The alarming incidence rate provokes a fairly common question – why joint pain […]
Arthritis is a chronic condition that causes inflammation of the joints. However, this one symptom is used to describe more than 100 different types of arthritis. One of the more common types is osteoarthritis. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), nearly 9% of men and 18% of women suffer from osteoarthritis across the globe. […]
We tend to ignore certain areas of our body’s anatomy unless they are causing us discomfort. One such area that we take for granted is the sole of our foot. However, like every other part of our body, our feet can also suffer from abnormalities or ailments such as flat feet. Flat feet symptoms are […]
Often pain in the shoulder is inappropriately given a blanket diagnosis of ‘frozen shoulder’. The first course of action by most people is to undergo physiotherapy. However, it is not enough to have untargeted physical therapy without proper diagnosis. More than 50% of older adults with diabetes are affected with frozen shoulder. It is, thus, […]
Three factors are interpreted for increased incidences of ankle injuries – slippery surfaces, sports and high heels. It is, however, possible to hurt your ankle at other places and situations. Even a casual walk around the neighbourhood can make you trip and fall, sometimes leading to an ankle fracture. According to a study by the Indian […]
Here is a short exercise for you – sit back, adjust your spinal arch, stretch and fix your posture. Well done, you just took the first step towards protecting your spine. Back spine problems are highly common in both young and old people. Nearly 20% of the younger generation suffers from some form of a […]