Watch out for these early symptoms of arthritis 

Arthritis mostly affects a person at old age. Most people experience a variety of health concerns at this age. You may be undergoing changes in your skin, heart health, mobility, digestive health and whatnot. It is, therefore, possible to miss the early symptoms of arthritis.  Surprisingly, the prevalence of arthritis is higher than that of […]

What is rickets, is your child at risk

Rickets is a bone disorder that can be traced as far back as the 17th century. During this time it rose to infamy as “the English disease” due to its outbreak in 17th century England.  Until the 1920s not much was known about the disorder or what causes rickets. With time, further research highlighted the […]

Tips for faster recovery from sprained ankle

Picture this: Your school football team has made it to the finales. You have to play in the big game tomorrow but you accidentally fall and sprain your ankle. Now before you stress out in such a situation, let us tell you some expert-approved ways on how to heal a sprained ankle as soon as […]

Complete guide: What is a sports injury, its causes, management and recovery?

Remember when we were kids, our parents would tell us to only concentrate on our studies. Extracurricular activities like playing sports or learning music were given less importance. Thankfully, this thinking has changed now and sports has gained prominence. People understand the contribution of athletics and games for a healthy life. However, it may also […]

10 tips to prevent back pain during work from home

COVID-19 has not spared even a single person from its aftermath. For most of the working population, the aftereffects have come in the shape of ‘remote working’. While working from home has a whole bunch of benefits, it also has a few drawbacks. Neck and back pain tops the list of disadvantages of home-based working. […]

What leads to knee replacement surgery failure?

Even the thought of going through surgery is overwhelming. Imagine experiencing the complications from the said surgery. Though there has been revolutionary growth in healthcare, this field is not exempt from failures. A common example of such blunders is the prevalence of knee replacement surgery failure.  Knee replacement surgery, also known as knee arthroscopy, is […]

Dr. Rajiv Ranjan Kumar

MD, DM (Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology) Dr. Rajiv Ranjan Kumar specializes in clinical immunology and rheumatology and has trained at one of the finest medical schools in the country including AIIMS, New Delhi and PGI Chandigarh. He brings with him experience of 10+ years. He has authored 3 chapters and more than 23 articles in […]

Partial vs total knee replacement surgery: Which fits better?

Joint replacement surgery has evolved extremely over the past few decades, giving thousands of patients all around the world, a second chance at life. Today, patients suffering from painful conditions such as osteoarthritis of the knee can take back control of their life and live pain-free thanks to options such as total or partial knee […]

Tips to keep your back healthy and straight

Most of us have experienced bouts of back pain at some point of our adult lives. Today, back pain and related conditions is said to be one of the most frequent medical complaints. It is also one of the most common reasons for lost work time, coming second only to the common cold. Here we […]