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Things you need to know

Causes of back pain in pregnancy

Causes of back pain in pregnancy

There are several possible causes of back pain in pregnancy. Common causes include:


Weight gain during pregnancy

On average, an expecting woman gains upto 25-30 pounds in a healthy pregnancy. This extra weight gain during pregnancy can lead to increased back pain as your spine has to support it. 


Changes in your posture

It is natural to experience a shift in your centre of gravity during pregnancy. As your pregnancy progresses, you may unknowingly alter your posture. These persistent posture changes may cause backache. 


Hormonal changes

During pregnancy, your body releases a pregnancy hormone called relaxin. This hormone is responsible for relaxing your pelvis and causing your joints to become looser in preparation effort for childbirth and delivery. This same hormone has a side effect that can cause your spine to become loose leading to pain, discomfort and instability. 



Pregnancy is not a simple ride. You can expect to experience some levels of emotional and mental stress during your gestation. Stress can be a leading factor in increasing back pain. 


Muscle separation

You can experience increased back pain in pregnancy due to muscle separation caused by uterus expansion. Your uterus expands to accommodate the growth of your fetus and thus the separation of muscles becomes more profound.

Treatment for back pain during pregnancy

Treatment for back pain during pregnancy

If you were not suffering from chronic backache before pregnancy, your back pain during pregnancy will eventually subside. Here are some effective treatments for back pain during pregnancy: 


Tips for taking care of back pain in pregnancy

Tips for taking care of back pain in pregnancy

Here is how you manage your back pain during pregnancy: 



You should seek medical intervention if you experience persistent pain, severe pain that starts abruptly, cramping like pains and difficulty in passing urine. 

If you experience warning signs of back pain during pregnancy along with a pain that lasts more than 2 weeks, you should immediately consult your doctor.

If you are experiencing back pain in pregnancy, you should sleep on your side. 

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