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Patient Rights And Responsibilities

To give our patients the best possible care, we adhere to a specific set of standards and ask that our patients do the same.
Patient Rights And Responsibilities

Patient Rights And Responsibilities


To give our patients the best possible care, we adhere to a specific set of standards and ask that our patients do the same. It is our job to give our patients appropriate treatment and advice, and to involve them in clinical decision making as much as possible. In the interest of their health, no care will be given without our patients’ informed consent.

It is important that our patients understand all the information given to them and they ask questions if they are unsure of anything.

Patient Rights

  • Right to respect for personal dignity and privacy during examination, procedures and treatment.
  • Right to protection from physical abuse or neglect.
  • Right to treating patient information as confidential.
  • Right to refusal of treatment.
  • Right to obtain informed consent before transfusion of blood and blood components, anaesthesia, surgery and any other invasive / high risk procedures / treatment.
  • Right to information and consent before any research protocol is initiated.
  • Right to complain and information on how to voice a complaint.
  • Right to information on the expected cost of the treatment.
  • Right to have access to his/her clinical records.
  • Right to respecting any special preferences, spiritual and cultural needs.
  • Right to seek an additional opinion regarding clinical care.
  • Right to information on care plan, progress and information on their health care needs.

Patient Responsibilities

  • To follow the Hospital rules and regulations
  • To respect others privacy and confidentiality
  • To provide complete and accurate information about the present illness and history and other matters that pertains to his/her health.
  • To be punctual to attend the Hospital for the treatment at the given time.
  • To respect doctors, nurses and other staff members of the Hospital
  • Bear the agreed expenses of the treatment explained to them in advance and pay their bills on time
  • Follow the prescribed treatment plan, carefully comply with the instructions given and to attend follow up appointment as requested
  • Not to take any medication without knowledge of doctors and healthcare professionals.
  • To take necessary preventive measures in case of infectious diseases as per the doctors’ instructions.
  • To communicate to the healthcare provider if his/her condition worsen or does not follow expected course.
  • To preserve all the records of one’s illness.
  • To deal with all the staff and other patients in a dignified manner.
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