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Nutrition and diet

Personalised nutrition and dietary services for people across all age groups
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NABH accredited multi-speciality hospital
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At the department of Preventive Health, we offer tailor-made protocols to promote the nutritional intake of our inpatients. We also design personalised dietary plans for outpatients to help prolong their health. Our clinical experts work in close collaboration with our dieticians and take into regard your unique preferences, health goals and lifestyles.

Our preventive health specialists

Our preventive health specialists

About nutrition and diet

About nutrition and diet

Nutrition and diet are important factors for longevity of health. Proper nutrition helps people across all age groups to become healthy and live a good quality of life. It is important for the growth and overall development of an individual. Nutrition and dietary modifications are also essential for patients experiencing medical conditions and treatments. A proper diet chart enables a patient to restore their health and recover at a speedy pace.

Benefits of a healthy diet
  • Boosts metabolism
  • Reduces risk of health problems
  • Boosts energy
  • Helps maintain a healthy body weight
  • Improves appearance
  • Promotes physical activity
  • Improves mood
Essential nutrients to include in your diet

The following nutrients are important to be included in varying portions and percentages:

  • Carbohydrates
  • Protein
  • Healthy fats
  • Vitamins
  • Minerals
  • Calories
  • Water

Patient testimonials

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Carbohydrates, proteins, fat, fibre, vitamins and minerals are essential components of a nutritious diet.

A balanced diet should include the right proportions of colourful vegetables, beans, fruits, high-fibre foods, lean meats, fish, eggs, tofu, nuts, milk and water.

You can improve your nutrition intake by keeping a count on the daily calorie intake, eating smaller portions, eating more vegetables and fruits.

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